Wednesday 25 June 2008


What's this stupid breath voice vicars use? Thought for the day makes me clench - brings on a creeping nausea which crawls from teeth to toes. Just now listened to Angela Tilby using ruddy footballers as a means to have us all have a long, hard look at ourselves.

She berates their boozy, scuzzy ways then adds, but behold how sport can be beautiful - "with poise of skill the champion has broken through to be the best". This disgusting performance meant to bring us all to full awareness of how we have lost sight of the important things of life in a consumerist frenzy. Well yeah. But then she accuses us of 'the sin of sloth' - we're all buggers apparently for frittering away our time. She knows not of what she speaks. Its arsing about that would halt the manic manufacture of seedy, useless produce so things better than shopping would be discovered.

What happened to those stripy tents that road-workers used to scoff their biscuits in and hold things up. Therein lies the problem - in the disappearance of them.


Peckham in Furs said...

They took me off again. Can't get it through google now.

Do you think cause I've got it in for Jesus.

Or may its 'shitty crannies' cause that's what would come up first now.

Jeff and family are coming over on Sunday. We're seeing him today too for the book exhib. at V & A

Peckham in Furs said...

Oh is ok if you type in peckhaminfurs, shitty crannies does come up.